Since your account can belong to a number of organizations, it is important to be aware of which organization is active. The active organization determines which account will be the owner of tools added in Site Manager.
You can see a list of all organizations you have access to by expanding the Managing menu item on the Site Manager menu.
If you don’t specify a “Company Name” in the Account creation process “My Account” will be the name of the default selection. If you specified a Company Name during the signup process “My Account” will be replaced with “Company Name’s Account” .
Clicking on the chevron will reveal a list of all other organizations you have access to. Both the company or user name and their e-mail address are displayed. Note that there is a yellow bar that indicates the account currently being managed.
Clicking on another account will set that as the active account, and will be reflected in the User Interface. Note that the menu options available, or certain features within the application may be unavailable on other accounts depending on which permissions your administrator set on your account.