Release Date
July 23, 2023
BoxLock's firmware beta release notes for July 23, 2023 includes support for iBeacon Sensors, 100+ Bluetooth Sensors, newer Zebra Scan Engines, and significantly improves the scanner timing.
The update also allows users to turn off Intrusion Detection by setting the Lock Configuration -> Intrusion Force (G-Force) to 0. These enhancements will make BoxLock devices feel much faster and make it easier to scan tricky barcodes. The support for iBeacon Sensors joins sensors from DEWALT, Hilti, Milwaukee and Parsyl, and the high volume of sensors have been requested by many tool tracking and material tracking customers.
What’s included:
- Support for iBeacon Sensors
- Support for 100+ Bluetooth Sensors
- Support for Newer Zebra Scan Engines (that were previously failing)
- Zebra Barcode Scanners now turn on in under 2.5 seconds and stay on longer (10 seconds)
- Intrusion Detection can now be turned off by setting the Lock Configuration -> Intrusion Force (G-Force) to 0