- Scanning
- Frequently Asked Questions
- My Lock won't Connect
- My Lock won't open
- The ShackIe is Stuck Rotated Open at 180˚
- Estimated Battery Life
- Resetting the Lock
- LED & Buzzer Behavior
- Heartbeat
- Charging State
- Sleep State
- Updating Firmware
Scanning is done by pressing the button on the top of the lock to activate the scanner. Once pressed, the scanner will illuminate and you can scan a barcode. The video below helps illustrate how to properly scan a barcode, and should be watched before proceeding.
It's also important to note that If the scanner is busy the device will BEEP 3 times for 150 milliseconds each with a 300 millisecond interval between BEEPs.
Because of this it's important that when scanning only one barcode is scanned, and subsequent scans are not done until the success beep is heard from the lock itself. You can also refer to the LED on the bottom of the lock for confirmation. Once the GREEN LED turns off, the lock has finished processing the scan, and is ready for the next.
Frequently Asked Questions
My Lock won't Connect
- Is it connected to another account or location? A lock can only be connected to one account, and further one location. If your lock is already connected, you won't be able to connect it a second time.
- Is the lock charged? Your lock needs battery power in order to function as expected. You can check the level of the battery inside BoxLock Control, but a quick way to make sure the lock has power is pressing the button to scan, and verifying that the scanner and light illuminate.
- Is your wifi network 2.4Ghz? A 2.4Ghz Wireless connection is required for BoxLock to work properly. Many businesses and homes will use a dual band router that employs both 2.4 and 5Ghz, and it's important to make sure that the network is using only 2.4Ghz to ensure a smooth connection and continued functionality.
- Are you using the correct lock? Knowing which lock you're using can be super helpful! Locks will identify their model on the back of the lock, at the bottom of the sticker. BoxLock 2 refers to a WiFI lock, and BoxLock 2M refers to an LTE lock. Make sure to use the proper connection process for each lock, as identified in BoxLock Control
My Lock won't open
- Is it Connected? To make sure the lock is connected, check the Mac Address on the back of the lock. You can use this to identify the lock inside of Control. Once in lock details, view the ‘Last Updated’ field. Find more information on that here:
- Is there good signal/connection? Making sure you're in an area with good LTE signal, or using a WiFi network is paramount! When you're inside BoxLock Control you can see connection information on the Lock Detail page. That in mind, if you're using a lock near a physical structure that could impede signal reception, moving the lock or using something like a WiFi extender can be helpful to ensuring consistent functionality.
- Is the barcode one that should open the lock? While there are barcodes that can open any lock at an Organization, making sure that the barcode you're using is meant for that lock can also be helpful in troubleshooting issues. There's some good information on this in our article on hierarchy which is also shared below.
- Is your Lock Online?
It's possible that your lock is connected but hasn't updated it's status and is offline. To verify this, we've got a great video to walk you through the process located below.
The ShackIe is Stuck Rotated Open at 180˚
In the event that the lock is opened, the shackle is rotated 180˚ from the closed position and something inadvertently triggers the lock switch, the lock can become locked in the open position. If this occurs, open the lock again to release the shackle so that it can be closed correctly.
If this occurs repeatedly, it is possible that the switch on the device is broken and should be replaced.
Estimated Battery Life
Battery life can vary depending on your use case. The largest contributing factor to battery life is how often the lock is set to send status updates back to Control, which can be edited inside of BoxLock Control. We've got an article that speaks to this, linked below.
Resetting the Lock
In some situations it's necessary to reset the lock to restore functionality. To do this, you'll hold down the button on the lock for ~10 seconds. When the reset is complete, you'll hear a series of three BEEPs. This is the indicator that the reset is complete, and you can attempt to use the lock again.
LED & Buzzer Behavior
The BoxLock device provides visual feedback to the user via RED, GREEN, PURPLE and BLUE LEDs. The color of the illuminated LED along with the illumination duration and frequency determine the meaning of the visual response.
The BoxLock device provides audio feedback to the user via a buzzer. The BEEP duration, number of BEEPs, and pause interval between BEEPs determine the meaning of the audio feedback.
The BoxLock device presents a BLUE LED blink every 5 seconds for a duration of 200 milliseconds to indicate an active BoxLock device when the device is not connected to a USB charging source.
Charging State
The BoxLock device presents a solid GREEN LED when the device is connected to a USB charging source to indicate a fully charged device.
The BoxLock device presents a solid YELLOW/ORANGE LED when the device is connected to a USB charging source to indicate a charging device that is not fully charged. All other LEDs are turned OFF .
When the USB-plugged BoxLock device is unplugged from a charging source, the RED and GREEN LEDs are turned OFF .
Sleep State
When the device is idle for 30 seconds and is NOT connected to a USB charging source, the device will enter a deep sleep state to conserve battery until the Main Button is pressed.
Immediately prior to entering deep sleep,
- The device turns the Heartbeat OFF
- The device turns all LEDs OFF
- The device blinks the GREEN LED 3 times with a duration of 100 milliseconds each and a 200-millisecond interval between blinks.
Updating Firmware
When an Firmware Update task is initiated,
- The device turns the Heartbeat OFF
- The device presents a solid PURPLE LED
- The device ensures the RED and GREEN LEDs are turned OFF
When the Firmware Update task is actively downloading,
- The device toggles the PURPLE LED ON and OFF each time 25K bytes are downloaded
When the Firmware Update task completes successfully,
- The device ensures the heartbeat is turned OFF
- The device blinks the PURPLE LED 5 times with an ON duration of 100 milliseconds and an OFF duration of 200 milliseconds
- The device precedes each PURPLE LED blink with a 100-millisecond buzzer BEEP
- The device Restarts
When the Firmware Update task does NOT complete successfully,
- The device buzzer BEEPs for a 1 second duration
- The device presents 5 RED LED blinks with an ON duration of 100 milliseconds and an OFF duration of 200 milliseconds
- The device precedes each RED LED blink with a 100-millisecond buzzer BEEP
- The device turns all LEDs OFF
- The device initiates the Heartbeat